Aspirating Smoke Detection System
An aspirating smoke detector consist of a central detection unit (ASD, Detector) with laser sampling chamber, air fun and outputs. The detector is connected to the system of pipes that draw air from different locations.
The aspirating smoke detector (also called Air Sampling) can have one or multiple pipes, and each pipe can also split into different routes. At the end of the pipe usually there is a test point, where an engineer can inject the smoke to test the air sampling system.
Main benefits of aspirating smoke detection system
Early detection
This system can detect smoke even before it becomes visible to the naked eye and is about 10 times more sensitive than regular smoke detector.
Adaptable to different environments
The pipe system can be installed in different location than detector itself hence temperature or other circumstances do not limit the work of ASD.
Active fire detection
Aspirating smoke detectors are part of active fire detection, because they draw in air into the detector. When traditional smoke detectors require smoke to reach them.
Air Sampling Makes and Models
There are 3 main makes available currently on the Irish Fire Alarm Market:
- VESDA Air Sampling,
- WAGNER Air Sampling,
- MICRA-STRATOS Air Sampling
Air Sampling Fire Alarm Course - Video-on-Demand
Who can benefit:
technicians, electricians, absolute beginners, and apprentices.
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3 must-know in Ireland air sampling fire panels
Air Sampling Fire Alarm Course - Video-on-Demand